Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I have often wondered over my days on this earth how I have looked at the word beautiful. To some beautiful is a scenic overlook in the mountains. To others it’s the ocean or tropical paradise. To some that have their priorities all screwed up; it is money. Maybe it is the sound of a little baby laughing. The sound of a slot machine paying out a jackpot. Hearing your children tell you how much they love you. But most of us think of beautiful as the physical appearance of a person. I will not deny that there are a lot of beautiful people out there.

My thoughts are different on beautiful. What is beautiful to me? Beautiful is a person that can look past the physical defects you have. The one that no matter what has happened to you will be there for you to lend support, an ear to listen or sometimes some much need constructive criticism.

Beautiful won’t judge you……EVER, for something that you have done in your past. Beautiful will forgive you when you ask for forgiveness. Beautiful will touch your hand like it’s never been touched before. Beautiful looks into your eyes and you feel they feel the same as you. "What a beautiful person I’m looking at"!

Beautiful is way beyond the outside of our body. It is a part of it of course. We all see the outer beauty of someone differently. Too many don’t look anywhere but the outer beauty. What about finding the inner beauty?

Beautiful is finding a heart that gives and doesn’t care what it gets back in return, other than the great feeling that it gave; and it mattered. Beautiful is there for you day and night and tells you so. Beautiful values your opinion and likes to hear what your opinions are. Beautiful also speaks to you with kindness, honesty, sincerity and passion.

Beautiful is missed when it is absent for a long period of time.

It is such a great thing to see and understand this kind of “Beautiful”!