Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Too many to make and not enough time to make them. I am not usually at a loss for words. You can ask anyone that knows me and I have a come-back or a comment on anything that can be delivered my way. For the most part, that is the nut ball inside of me. But when you have to make that decision that is as far on the serious side as it can get, I can clamp down and figure it out. No smart assed replies or comments. Just a sincere way of handling it.

I am heading back to Nebraska on Saturday and am wondering how to handle one of the biggest decisions of my life. It's not for me.......but for someone that is very dear to my heart. I want to do the right thing as well as say the right things but have found I am very fearful of approaching the topic. Can't really let out what it is but it does involve a family member and some wishes they have.

Things like this usually come to me pretty quick and I have the "plan of attack" all mapped out but this one time I am no farther ahead now than I was Saturday when I found out. It has me a bit troubled. I have prayed for guidance figuring I would have a direction by now but it's not here yet. Maybe that 13 hour drive back on Saturday will lead me the right way. I'm not real sure.

I want the best for ALL involved. I am just clueless as to how to show that. The people I need to talk with don't care about my words or the others feelings, only what they can gain from the circumstance. It almost seems like a lose - lose situation. I wish I could tell more but I can't. Just needed to use this to rant a little.

Thanks for reading.