Friday, April 1, 2011


April Fools must be a thing that I got a kick out of when I was younger. Not once today did anyone try the April Fool thing on me and I didn't try it on anyone else.

I think today should be a day we celebrate like we do on St' Patricks Day, Memorial Day or the 4th of July and Labor Day but we don't. Probably because there isn't anyone that would believe anything we said or did.

I spent the day working. Came home and worked some more and did various chores around the house. Cleaned the house up a bit and then myself. Made some supper and turned on Slingblade and started deleting documents off my computer that needed to find their way to the recycle bin. Kind of funny how everything that I deleted I ended up reading even though I knew what it was before I opened it. One of those strange days.

To me this should have been a special day for certain reasons but it wasn't. It was more like a knife in the back. I guess that is why I did what I did. Some things just need laid to rest and given up on. The world is ever changing and so are the people in it. I guess the bullshit will never stop.