Friday, July 23, 2010


Okay so it's been a L O N G time since I have been on here and shared any perceptions or thoughts of any kind.

I really don't know what to say. Maybe it's because I am at peace with my thoughts and feelings. Maybe it's because there isn't anything getting on my nerves. Maybe it's because I am finally relaxed for the first time in a couple of years.

So this blog might just ramble about anything and everything.

I have always felt I have been misunderstood by my actions and reactions to certain situations. That's just me. Ask those who do know me well, and of those of you who read this there is probably just one of you that know me that well. Thanks S. W. for understanding. No offense to anyone else but I am very dry and sarcastic most of the time and very few people get that about me.

Lately I have been reconnecting with some music that I listened to back when there wasn't hair in any funny places. For those of you that have heard of Zebra you will understand what I mean. Those dudes are as old as dirt. I don't know about you but I wasn't born yet when dirt was a cool thing.

Did I tell you that I might ramble off the beaten path on this blog?

I have found a new energy for my work. It is funny to do what I do and go out every day in the elements; whether it be rain, sun, heat or cold and enjoy my occupation. I wouldn't trade it for anything but I have had some ill feelings to what I do. Lack of motivation, no desire or whatever it may be. I haven't put my all into what pays my bills. Conventions do help!!! I have found a new motivation to providing a service to my customers and making sure they are taken care of where before I haven't really given "two shits" about it all.

My children and I have always had a quiet and almost secretive communication between us. When we need the other they are there and that is how it has always been. No judgements, just good parenting and understanding. That is all still there but now we find we reach out to each other more than before just to say "hey, what's up"?

This past weekend (back to the job thing) I got to know some guys even better than before. We are all here to help one another out. Whether it be work, relationships, criticism, encouragement or what have you and that has been a huge part of the motivation I have rediscovered. I (as we all need to do) have discovered, once again, that it isn't about what I's about what I give. Giving is the best thing I can offer to anyone and if we all would give as much as we want then we would all be in the best shape of our lives. Emotionally and physically.

Again it's all about the perception and this is my perception.

Have a great weekend everyone.