Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So I have a freind that is going through some hard times right now. Not to get into any details but he is soon to be single and has two little boys. He passed on some words to me today that he received from his pastor. I wanted to share them.

Concentrate on this sentence; "To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did." When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you but merely opening your hands to receive something better.

Concentrate on this sentence; "The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you." There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. So, don't worry about people from your past, there is a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

I thought this was pretty deep and really enjoyed reading it. Hope you all enjoy it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Dad told me......

.......that he loved me today! Which came as a shock when I heard it before we hung up the phone. In my 43 years I can count on one hand how many times I have heard him say this directly to any of his children. There are 5 of us. It made me feel real warm inside. Proud would be a better word.

What took so long? Is there something wrong? I had these questions in my head so I had to call back and ask why after this many years can you tell me this with such conviction that I damned near wrecked. Don't get me wrong, I have been waiting to hear this for the 43 years it has taken him to say it, so I was not complaining but had to be sure there wasn't something wrong. I have come to understand that it's not my father's nature to show feelings. It's how he was brought up. That is the way most people his age are. Not all but a lot.

"All is good" he said. He explained, that after 68 years has seen some light and by watching his children with his grandchildren over this time a light finally went off on how open we all are with each other about anything. I have that with my father now but I wouldn't tell him "anything" when I was growing up for the fear of criticism. He went on to say it was neat to see how his kids didn't judge their kids but gave them another way to look at things and something for them to consider. Our openness to them about our past experiences when we were their age was good for him to see.

We all have our drawbacks. But we all have a lot of good in us. Why is all the focus on that one misstep? Where is the focus on all the good as people we bring to the world, to our family, to those around us? Too many love strongly for a little while and then it goes away. Why isn't one of the strongest emotions we can display out there all the time? Why go in a shell after so long? We all need to work on keeping the love alive and put every effort into it on a daily basis. It will make us stronger, our children stronger, the world stronger. Smile at your neighbor; shake their hand. Love your significant other with conviction; hug her. Praise your children; love them with emotion. Let it be contagious.

I love you too Dad. I love all of you.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Central Plains

Well, I haven't been on in a while with all the frantic pace that the holiday's bring us so here are some updates.

I was all set to drive back to Nebraska and see family for Christmas. I was going to leave early in the morning on the 19th of December and going to return on the 26th after having time with family and friends. I was going to work on the 18th in N.C. but due to snow storms and bad roads in that area I ended up leaving that morning around 8:00 A.M. and made my 992 mile drive towards the capitol city of NE.

Things went pretty smooth on the drive. I stopped twice for gas, bathroom breaks and something to eat and drink. I arrived in Lincoln at 9:00 P.M. and looked up some friends. Needless to say they were way ahead of me by that point. I couldn't walk from driving so much and they couldn't walk, talk or see much when I got there and it wasn't because of driving all day. The Christmas cheer was flowing. I am sure they still had a good blood level in their alcohol content but when all was said and done I think the alcohol content was the winner.

Saturday my son and I went and saw the movie Blind Side. Very good movie. We both really enjoyed it. That evening we spent with my daughter and her husband and watched the movie The Hangover. Now that is a crazy bachelor party. Kind of reminds me of my New Years Eve. A blank!!!

Sunday evening I took Jake, my son, back to his mom's and went and hung out at my daughters. Unfortunately due to bad weather and roads in that area, along with some school commitments that would be the last time I would see him for the Holiday's.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I spent mostly with my daughter. I actually did go out and fix some friends bumpers and did a little Christmas shopping. By Wednesday evening we were getting the reports of a real bad snow and ice storm heading into the area. My thoughts were to not get caught up in it. I haven't been in a bad snow storm in a few years but remember if it's as bad as they were making it I might be there another week.

Now Tuesday night I did make into town to have some cocktails with my friends Steve and Danny. Needless to say we became somewhat intoxicated. Enough to where I had to sleep on Danny's couch while he snored the night away in his chair. Finally after many tries I got his butt up and into his bed so he could snore in there and I could get a little bit of sleep. What I didn't realize was that morning when I told him I was going to leave that he would come flying out of his room in his rather loose fitting boxer shorts, fling open the curtains to the patio door and stand there scratching himself while 20 feet away the utility crews were working. A sight that may haunt me for the rest of my life. The nightmares have yet to stop. Trust me you would have to of seen it to understand.

Thursday morning, Christmas Eve Day, was upon us and the talk of by 5:00 P.M. the wind and snow would be there and not stop until Saturday, the day after Christmas. I had been in contact with my dad some three hours away and he said that he already had 7 inches of snow and 50 mph winds. Well right then I know there wasn't going to be that trip to my parents house today. Wind and snow are not a good mix. Looking outside you could see the wind was really whipping up a fury on the plains and the little amount of snow that was falling was making it difficult to see anything.

By 11:00 A.M. in the morning I made the decision that I needed to leave quickly. I ran my daughter into her aunts house in Lincoln, 20 mile drive, which took 45 minutes. Stopped by a friends work and picked up a new computer and hit the road at 12:01 P.M. I was heading back to Tennessee.

The first 3.5 to 4 hours of the trip were nothing but a slow, slippery mess of driving. Many vehicles were rolled over in the ditches, traffic was moving slower and slower as the storm crept in. By the time I was East of Kansas City on heading for St. Louis the temperature had finally got about freezing and now it was just rain. It was actually Thunderstorms. So from Lincoln to East of Kansas City it was freezing and snowing and the rest of the way until I reached Knoxville, TN I drove in thunderstorms. I finally arrived back at my house at 3:30 A.M. Christmas morning.

This is one time I am glad I drove back. It is the 3rd time I have done it but by 5:00 in the evening Christmas Eve I was getting text messages from friends and family that I did the right thing. Airports were closed, roads were closed. It would have been at least until Monday before I could have probably left.

Now New Years Eve in Tennessee with friends. I just have on thought. If you suck at playing quarters, which I apparently do. Don't play the game with blackberry moonshine that is probably 140 proof. The night becomes foggy very quickly!