Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

Today is a day that really completes me as a person. My emotions run very high and I have a strong love for all that have, do and will serve our country. I look at them as my brothers and sisters no matter what branch of service they choose.

Today, my day started off just like any other day would. A little bit of a drive to my first account. During that drive I received two text messages from people I didn't think would ever text me on this day. Both text messages were nearly identical and I know they don't know each other. "Thank you for my freedom"!!! I can not explain how big the goose bumps were after reading these messages. Tears approach, my heart beat excels; I start reflecting back to 23 years ago when I made the commitment to become a Marine. I think about some of my friends who lost their lives while we were in Desert Storm. I think about what their families are feeling on this day. My heart goes out to them all.

I can only speak for me about what Veterans Day means to me. It is the one thing in my life that I am truly proud of doing. I now realize I didn't do it for me. I did it for every single person in America. I sacrificed plenty during my service but I did not give the ultimate sacrifice. The ones that did are the only hero's and role models that I would ever consider having in my life. Selfless acts for millions of people that will never know their name or give a shit if they ever do.

There is so much taken for granted in this country. I see it every single day. It fricken burns me up inside. People think their life is turning upside down over the littlest things. Well we have control over the little things. Don't be lazy and get it handled. They have been spoon fed over their whole damn life and they can't deal with a little adversity. I am not talking about people that battle cancer, losing their jobs, their home, or anything to that nature. I am talking about petty assed shit. You want to know what stress is live in those peoples shoes. Live a day with the military that is in a combat situation. Not knowing if the next step you take puts you on a land mine that takes your legs off.

Acknowledge the Veterans that you know on this day every year. Trust me. They will appreciate it beyond belief. Being a Veteran means that I know I was willing to take one for the team (USA). I didn't, but too many have. I am so grateful for all Veterans. God Bless America!!!