Monday, February 16, 2015


Lately I have been on a path that is causing me to become lost. I have found myself with that empty feeling deep inside and no matter the decisions I make someone is going to end up hurting. Which I feel makes me the bad guy in all of this. 

Never mind all the things that have played into this feeling of my emotions to finally take over. I feel I have completely lost mind my damn mind. I hear what the others say about "crying for no reason" and the range of emotions they go through. What makes them think I don't have those as well?  I'm just as tore up as they are and probably even more. 

I wish I could get away with blaming it all on this shitty weather we are getting but there isn't anyone that would buy that nor would I.  

I always thought the older and wiser I became that things would get easier and more relaxed. I can honestly say that's not the case. I sleep less, worry more, stress more and at times care less. It's a shame. Maybe becoming a recluse is the only option I have to get my mind back on track.  I'm just not sure right now.