Thursday, November 10, 2011


The bomb has dropped on Penn State University and it is still exploding with anger, disgust, pain, sorrow and so much more.

I am a Nebraska fan by birth, choice and life. But I am also a fan of sports period, except the NBA (please keep the lockout going). I love the Big Red but I also know when my team is beat by someone I don't hold my head down and make up excuses on why we were beat. I take it as the team with the better plan and execution won that day and I applaud them for it. When you think of coaches and their programs I have followed and cheered for. Don Shula of the Baltimore Colts and Miami Dolphins, Eddie Robinson of Grambling, Barry Switzer of Oklahoma, Paul "Bear" Bryant of Alabama, Tom Osborne of Nebraska, Bobby Bowden of Florida State, I could keep going and going. Also Joe Paterno of Penn State.

Around 9:20 last night I learned of the firing of JP through a tweet from CNN News. The items reported leading up to his dismissal last night were hard to listen to. You just didn't want to believe it happens. Needless to say the sports talk and television tonight have been mostly all about what has transpired at PSU. I am becoming tired of hearing about it for one reason. Yes, Joe Pa was and will always be an iconic coach. A man on TV right now is calling him "a great and caring man". What kind of "great and caring man" keeps on going the way he did? A student that was involved in the "rioting" last night said it wasn't fair at all to Joe Paterno. I beg to differ. It is very fair and needed to happen. Yes it is sad he has to go out with this tarnished image but the man knew of sexual assault on minor children was going on and he lived with it. I know he reported to his chain of command but doesn't common sense take over and tell you to take it another step further? Police report or something to that nature.

I will say it again, I know JP is an icon in the coaching profession. His record spells that out clearly. But the man knew of something very wrong going on and I don't think he did all he could, should or needed to do when he was made aware of it. Therefore, I won't remember what he did and his teams did on the field. I will remember what he didn't do and say when he should have.

I feel terrible for the ones that went through the sexual advances from Sandusky. I would like to see some attention paid to these people. They have lived with this for the past several years and I feel that all the publicity put towards JP is a slap in their face. I hope they get what they deserve as I hope those that did the wrong and knew about the wrong, get what they deserve.

Penn State.....I hope Nebraska kicks the livin' shit out of you this weekend. GBR!!!

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